Pretty in Pink

Sweet Drift, by Knock Out Roses / Star Roses and Plants, has been an excellent disease-resistant performer for me here in Zone 6b of Central South Pennsylvania over the years. I have four of these beauties planted in a row. They just love to try to take over my walkway that runs parallel to them. Though they were alleged to be small ever-blooming shrubs, these clusters of abundant pink easily grow 3 – 4 ft high and about 2 – 3 ft wide if I let them. Oh, I don’t mind their eager growth though for they sweetly greet me every time I drift to and fro.



Sweet Drift in all her shades of pink say farewell. {Sept 2016}


Fall Farewell

As I embrace the cooler Fall weather, I find myself savoring every rose just a little longer than usual for though I know the shades of color and flirtatious fragrance will soon depart, giving way to a season of rest, perhaps the memories will endure.