Extra! Extra! Read All About It

The first issue of the Ever-Blooming Roses magazine arrived in the mail today! I enjoyed pouring over the pictures and proof reading the articles (again!). Overall, I think it turned out pretty good for my first time creating a magazine. Have you ordered one for yourself or a gardening friend yet? You can do so here Ever-Blooming Roses Magazine! 

While you are at it, you may want to browse my books too.  After all, ’tis the season to give inspiring gardening books!  Here are their links…

Ever-Blooming Roses: Despite Life’s Prickles

Ever-Blooming Roses: During the Good, the Bad, and the Bugly


Christopher Columbus Discovered a Rose

“The rose played a significant part in the discovery of America. It was on October 11,1492, that Columbus and his weary crew, while becalmed in the frightening Sargasso Sea, picked out of the water a rose branch bright with red hips. It was this that gave seafarers the courage to continue their voyage to the New World” -The Magic World of Roses, Matthew A.R. Bassity


A large rose hip weighs heavily on a Texas rose cane.

A Season of His Choosing

daybreakerLast fall, I began scribing my third and final rose-related book titled Ever-Blooming and Ever-Rejoicing: Through the Seasons of Change. Designed to teach people, particularly those new to growing roses, how to care for their roses through all four seasons, I found myself on stand-by after writing about just one season. I had strived to move onto writing about how to care for roses in the winter with it’s spiritual parallel just as the winter months launched, but alas, my inspiration was stalled. For months I have not contributed anything productive to my third book for I refuse to write just to write. I have learned and am still learning to let my spoken words be few or at the very least meaningful. Similarly, if not more so, as a writer, I only contribute to my books when I feel led by God’s Spirit to do so. Otherwise, that too is meaningless.

Yesterday, upon the revelation of an important spiritual truth, I understood why my writing was paused particularly at winter. God had to manifest truth in a season of His choosing not just to benefit me, but to benefit my readers for even in winter, we are ever-blooming.