Roses Showing Signs of Illness

Rose_Fig04While I’m still recovering from the flu, which now has turned into bronchitis, I reflect on how our beloved roses sometimes show signs of illness as well. With spring just around the corner, perhaps these resourceful links can help you diagnose signs of sickness in your roses early on. My original book, Ever-Blooming: Despite Life’s Prickles provides tips to combat diseases like powdery mildew, black spot, and more. Also, if your roses suffer from pest issues this gardening season, be sure to get a copy of my second book, Ever-Blooming Roses: During the Good, the Bad, and the Bugly.

In the meantime, here are a few articles written by other sources to help solve some diseased rose riddles.

Rose Health Problems

Organic Treatment For Sick Roses

May we experience a bountiful and beautiful ever-blooming gardening season!

Extra! Extra! Read All About It

The first issue of the Ever-Blooming Roses magazine arrived in the mail today! I enjoyed pouring over the pictures and proof reading the articles (again!). Overall, I think it turned out pretty good for my first time creating a magazine. Have you ordered one for yourself or a gardening friend yet? You can do so here Ever-Blooming Roses Magazine! 

While you are at it, you may want to browse my books too.  After all, ’tis the season to give inspiring gardening books!  Here are their links…

Ever-Blooming Roses: Despite Life’s Prickles

Ever-Blooming Roses: During the Good, the Bad, and the Bugly


Christopher Columbus Discovered a Rose

“The rose played a significant part in the discovery of America. It was on October 11,1492, that Columbus and his weary crew, while becalmed in the frightening Sargasso Sea, picked out of the water a rose branch bright with red hips. It was this that gave seafarers the courage to continue their voyage to the New World” -The Magic World of Roses, Matthew A.R. Bassity


A large rose hip weighs heavily on a Texas rose cane.